Weekly Newsletter

August 20-24

This week, we will begin to learn about plants. We will also begin our reading assessments to see where we need to start in small group reading. The class will also be introduced to telling time to the hour and identifying the names of coins. We will also begin to learn how to write a narrative.

Homework this week

Tuesday- Telling time to the hour
Thursday- Identify coins

Please remember to sign calendar each night.

Reading logs will come home beginning on Sept. 4th.

Please send in a set of earbuds for your child to use in computer lab. We will keep these in a bag labeled with their name to take to computer lab.

Related Arts this week  ** Tennis shoes are the only permissable shoes to wear to school. Please see the school handbook in the Dress code section.

Monday- Art
Tuesday- PE
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Art
Friday- PE

Just a reminder, if you haven't paid School Supply Fees, they are $60.